The project entitled EXtension of academia-based PLATFORM to antidepressant hits discovery, aims to further development of the Platform research which was created with financial support from the grant PNRF-103-AI-1/07 (Mar 2009 – Oct 2011, within the first edition of Norway grants.
Based on the obtained results, new series of hybrid compounds acting on serotonergic receptors as well as new modulators of glutamatergic receptors are synthesized. The new topics are focused on allosteric modulators of SERT and GABAB receptors which extend the Platform research capabilities. All substances are tested in in vitro assays; therapeutic potential of the most promising compounds is evaluated in behavioral models of depression.
START DATE: 01.11.2013
END DATE: 30.04.2016
The Project Consortium involves: the Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków; the Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Health Science of the UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, and the National Medicines Institute in Warsaw.